Monday, February 3, 2014

Little Man- God of War

So it has been 4 weeks exactly since we said good-bye to our little guy. He was 10 1/2 years old. And, until I met Jenny and the boys, the one I spoiled. I was not the alpha dog. I admit that I let him walk all over me- literally and figuratively. He slept with me, despite my resolute determination not to let him. That resolution quickly faded as soon as he discovered he could jump up on my bed. That was it-

Ares loved many things. And loved them hard. His dragon- a little rubber squeaky thing I had to hide from him because he wouldn't stop squeaking it. His balls- that he would chase forever. His blanket- that he would paw into an igloo. His bed in the sun- where he would sleep all day if left alone. His food sneaking- which was often. His boys- late to arrive in his life, but fiercely protective of. His Jenny- his true Alpha. His coffee- thanks mom. His beer- yeah that one is my fault.

What he did not love was his picture being taken. I think he subscribed to the belief that his soul would be stolen if his picture was taken. He also did not love wearing his sweaters. He wore them- but did not like them.

Ares was part gazelle, deer, rabbit, cat, dog and a plethora of other animals. He could run like the wind and jump onto the counter without a second thought. He was all heart. He was a pain in the ass. He was my boy. He is missed. So much. He provided so much healing for this house. 

The time may come when it feels right to get another dog. It is not now. He still is in my heart and my head. J also feels this way. We will know when it is time. Regardless, Ares will always be with us. Every time the doorbell rings I tell him not to bark. I still go to let him out one more time before bed. I still look for him when I come home. He was a little fucker. But he took up a lot of space.